Course Overview
This syllabus outlines the topics covered in the programming course.
Week 1-2: Introduction to C++ Programming
- Understanding the history and importance of C++
- Setting up a C++ development environment
- Writing your first "Hello, World!" program
- Basic C++ syntax (variables, data types, operators, and input/output)
- Using the C++ Standard Library
Week 3-4: Control Flow
- Conditional statements (if, else if, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Break and continue statements
- Logical operators and short-circuit evaluation
Week 5-6: Functions
- Function definition and declaration
- Function parameters and return values
- Function overloading
- Recursion
- Function prototypes and header files
Week 7-8: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics
- Classes and objects
- Constructors and destructors
- Member functions and data members
- Access specifiers (public, private, protected)
- Operator overloading
- Static members and member initialization lists
Week 9-10: Structures and Unions in C
- Inheritance and base/derived classes
- Polymorphism and virtual functions
- Abstract classes and pure virtual functions
- Function overriding
- Dynamic binding
Week 11-12: C++ Standard Library
- STL (Standard Template Library)
- Containers (vector, list, map, etc.)
- Algorithms (sorting, searching, etc.)
- Iterators
- Input and output streams
Week 13-14: Exception Handling and File I/O
- Exception handling (try, catch, throw)
- Reading and writing to files
- Working with text and binary files
- File stream classes (fstream)
Week 15-16: Advanced Topics (Optional)
- Smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr)
- Template classes and functions
- Lambda expressions
- Multithreading (std::thread, std::mutex)
- C++11/14/17/20/23 features
Week 17-18: Projects and Practical Applications
- Work on small to medium-sized C++ projects
- Debugging and profiling C++ code
- Best practices and coding standards
- Code documentation and comments
Week 19-20: C++ Standardization and Future Trends
- Overview of C++ standards committee (ISO C++)
- Upcoming features and language trends
- The importance of staying up-to-date with C++ developments